
yeay!my 4rd Award.. =P


hai semua..

lama tak meng'online'kan diri..

internet ofis rosak..

internet kat rumah slow..haiyaaaa...huhu

ni pun baru tau dapat award..thanks to:

cik yuna

terharu i..=)

Syarat-syarat Penerima Award

1) Thanks the person who give you this award

Terima kasih daun keladi..esok2 bagi award lagi..hehe =)

2) Link that person at your blogroll

bek bos!telah dilaksanakan

3) Spread to 15 blogger which you think awesome:

Ok..ni dia mereka2 yg i think they are awesome

Sya --> http://ilovemyfiance.blogspot.com/
Nadia --> http://nadeeyayoe-journey.blogspot.com/
Farahfatihah --> http://crystal-of-heart.blogspot.com/
Kucincomey --> http://icallucandy.blogspot.com/
Masmona --> http://kesahkaseh.blogspot.com/
AtyFared --> http://vanillapink3113.blogspot.com/
Al n Fard --> http://alnfard.blogspot.com/
Anaztasia --> http://norapurplebridez.blogspot.com/
Byo --> http://aureliazara.blogspot.com
ElyaELmo --> http://elmoblogspot.blogspot.com/
Dyn --> http://handbagandnecktie.blogspot.com/
By --> http://gemiez.blogspot.com/
missbutterfly --> http://meeandhiim.blogspot.com/
Ash & Ann --> http://ashannweddinggallery.blogspot.com/
SyaSakura --> http://mencapaicintajanuari.blogspot.com/

4) Tell 7 things about yourself:

1. Suka makan
2. Suka benda comel-comel
3. Tak pandai masak..=P
4. Suka berangan
5. Sensitif
6. Keras kepala
7. Suka kucing


Unknown | October 25, 2010 at 6:39 AM

tengs dear. have a nice day ! =)

masmOna | October 25, 2010 at 12:13 PM

eh eh? i pun dapat jugak? hik. thanks rose sayangs! *hugs*

rose | October 26, 2010 at 6:02 PM

anaztasias : sama2 dear..

masmona : nesti la dapat..hehehe

gadis jumaat | October 27, 2010 at 4:57 PM

eh ai nombot satu?? yeh yeh yeh yeh lompat bintang! tak kisahlaaa not in order of importance pon tapi ai tetap nombor satu. yeh yeh yehhhh~~~